Marins Park Hotel

106, Chelyuskintsev str., Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620027
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Area information

Area description and directions to the main attractions for Marins Park Hotel.

    Airports Show all on map »

    • Yekaterinburg, Russia (SVX-Koltsovo) - 10.37 mi - Get directions »


      Train stations Show all on map »
      • Sverdlovsk-Passazhirsky Main Railway Station - 0.25 mi
      • Yekaterinburg Old Railway Station - 0.29 mi
      • Stantsiya Zvezda - 1.22 mi
      • Stantsiya Shartash - 2.35 mi
      • Vostochnaya Stantsiya - 2.36 mi


      Art Galleries Show all on map »
      • Museum of the Literary Life of the Urals in the 19th century - 0.80 mi
      • Literary Memorial Museum of F.M. Reshetnikov - 0.92 mi
      • Literary Memorial Museum of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak - 1.00 mi
      • Sverdlovsk Regional Museum - 1.51 mi
      • Aqua-Gallery - 1.83 mi


      Zoo Show all on map »
      • Yekaterinburg Zoo - 1.69 mi
      • Arboretum - 1.77 mi

    Other attractions

      Theatres Show all on map »
      • Yekaterinburg Theater for Young Spectators - 0.62 mi
      • Cinema Theatre Cosmos - 0.73 mi
      • Kolyada Theater - 0.95 mi
      • Makletsky Concert Hall - 0.98 mi
      • Sverdlovsk Theatre of Musical Comedy - 1.14 mi
      • State Academic Opera and Ballet - 1.22 mi
      • Yekaterinburg Puppet Theatre - 1.31 mi
      • Volkhonka Drama theater - 1.65 mi
      Stadiums, Arenas, and Racetracks Show all on map »
      • Stadium Uralochka - 0.71 mi
      • Central Stadium - 2.07 mi
      Historical Buildings Show all on map »
      • Rastorguev-Kharitonov mansion - 0.76 mi
      • Church of All Saints - 0.80 mi
      • Ascension Church - 0.81 mi
      • Ipatiev's House - 0.82 mi
      • Sevastyanov's House - 1.18 mi
      • Park Youth Palace - 1.63 mi
      • Vaganov's House - 1.78 mi
      • Trinity Cathedral - 2.00 mi
      • Cathedral of St. John the Baptist - 2.19 mi
      National Parks Show all on map »
      • Aspen park - 1.05 mi
      • Osnovinsky Park - 1.05 mi
      • Pavlik Morozov park - 2.11 mi
      • Tagansky Park - 2.38 mi
      Colleges and Universities Show all on map »
      • Ural State Mining University - 1.13 mi
      Monuments and Landmarks Show all on map »
      • Headquarters of the Volga-Ural Military District - 1.19 mi
      • Monument to Alexander Pushkin - 2.16 mi
      Other Show all on map »
      • Kharitonov Garden - 0.70 mi
      • Sportcenter Uralochka - 0.71 mi
      • Chapel of St. Yelizaveta - 0.84 mi
      • Yekaterinburg Officers' club - 0.96 mi
      • Ural State Conservatory - 0.98 mi
      • Ploshchad 1905 goda - 1.30 mi
      • Historic Square - 1.33 mi
      • Big Zlatoust - 1.50 mi
      • Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library - 1.54 mi
      • Dormitory of Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic - 1.63 mi
      • Circus - 2.08 mi
      • Upper Iset Centre of Culture - 2.32 mi
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Marins Park Hotel
106, Chelyuskintsev str., Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620027

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